Support for Mental Health

In school we use various approaches and strategies to promote positive health and well-being with our pupils including using mindfulness exercises; active, co-operative and creative lessons; working with our partner schools and participating in the Global Learning Programme.
The school is currently in the second year of the PATHS programme which delivers lessons on how to improve Social Emotional Learning across each year group. Staff are supported by a Barnardo's Programme Worker.
Killoqwen has a long-established working partnership with Familyworks who provide the Counselling Service 'Imagine IF' each week in school.
If you are worried about your child’s mental health, the following are some resources that may be of help.
Your G.P.
They will be able to offer advice and have access to more specialist services.
Education Authority - ‘High Five’ publications which started during lockdown. They contain lots of activities and tips to promote positive mental health and wellbeing.
Childline - Advice for dealing with family relationships.
Tel: 0800 1111
CAMHS - A bank of resources promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Parenting N.I. - Tips on coping with stress.
Anna Freud - National Centre for Children & Families - Tips for talking about Mental Health with your child.