Information for Parents

September 2023
Our Day at Nursery
There are two sessions which operate each weekday:
Session 1 (Mrs Brown) 8:50 - 11:20
Session 2 (Miss Bittle) 12:15 - 14:45
Settling In
Our settling in process is based on each individual child. Once you have received a place at Killowen Nursery you will be notified of an Induction Day, usually in May/June. You will receive a pack full of information also your start date for September. On the day that your child begins Nursery they will say good bye to you and stay for a short period of time. Over the next week or two the time will be increased in half hour intervals until they stay for the full session. We do not draw this process out, we find it settles the children more easily getting them into the daily routines. They attend every day. Obviously some children will settle more quickly than others but in working with parents we will agree on what is best for your child.
At Killowen Nursery we are so lucky to have very close links with the Primary school. Regular visits from the Principal and Vice Principal and Primary One teachers to our Nursery Unit and trips to visit the ‘big school’ all help make the process more familiar. Killowen Nursery is year one of your child’s learning journey at Killowen and they will Explore, Excite and Excel throughout the next 8 years of their school career. The year is completed with a graduation ceremony and this is a very special and often emotional event.
Routine and continuity are good for children and in Nursery there is learning throughout all routines. It is vital that your child is competent in using the toilet and handwashing. Snack routine involves washing hands, preparation, serving and sharing of healthy food and drink. The 6 areas of learning are continuously being addressed through our routines, for example mathematical experiences in recognizing the quantity of fruit to take or the use of tongs to lift the fruit and improve fine motor skills. Independence and helping others are reinforced through our routines, for example tidy up and getting coats on etc. as the year moves on and your child becomes more confident there is challenge and progression throughout the day.
In Nursery we use a Positive Behaviour Management System to control and reward behaviour in our classroom. Children are being taught this from day one in Nursery. On a Monday the children decide what their Friday treat is going to be. Throughout the week children are then rewarded for good listening, good sharing and good thinking by putting a pom pom in the pot. If the pot is full towards the end of the week then everyone gets a treat. Likewise pom poms can also be removed for unwanted behaviour. We value the partnership that we have with parents and should problems arise we can address these together.
We have strong links with people in the local community and often have visits to reinforce what the children are learning about. Visitors include Debbie Doolittle, Police, Fire, Dental hygienist, Vet, Hatching chicks, Ladybird and butterfly lifecycles.